KIP 7580

KIP 7580

  • Nov integrirani barvni optični bralnik CIS KIP 720
  • 10 strani velikosti A1 na minuto
  • Konfiguracija z 2 ali 4 rolami
  • Nalaganje z zgornje strani
  • Zasnova z majhnimi zunanjimi merami
  • Programska oprema K sistema KIP



KIP 7580 – večfunkcijski sistem

Večfunkcijski sistemi KIP 7580 s funkcijo optičnega branja CIS ponujajo novo kompaktno zasnovo z možnostjo nalaganja z zgornje strani, kar pomeni, da jih lahko postavite tja, kjer jih potrebujete – v manjše prostore ali ob steno. Učinkovitost avtomatiziranih potekov dela po zaslugi pametnega večdotičnega zaslona na dotik KIP, ki omogoča upravljanje funkcij z enim dotikom. Avtomatizacija potekov dela si zapomni upravljanje izbranih funkcij sistema in omogoča učinkovitost z enim dotikom, kar poenostavi uporabniško interakcijo, prihrani čas, zniža stroške in izboljša natančnost.

Profesionalni tiskalnik KIP 7580

Specifikacije in prenosi

Specifikacije in prenosi
Description Monochrome wide format print/copy/scan with colour scanner
Type Electrophotography (LED) with organic photoconductor (OPC) and closed toner system
Speed A1 size per minute 10
Warm up time Less than 2 minutes from standby
Configurations Printer / MFP
Roll options 2 or 4 roll
Output delivery Top / rear
Electrical requirements 220V-240V +6% or -10%, 50/60Hz, 13A
Power consumption 1,500 W (printing), 430 W (standby)
Print resolution 600 x 2,400 dpi
Paper capacity 2 or 4 roll
Output sizes width 297 mm – 914 mm
Output sizes length 6 m (standard), 150 m based on media validation
Paper weight Bond-plain 64–90 gsm; vellum-translucent-tracing 80 gsm; film 75 gsm
Media types Bond, vellum, film
Controller type KIP System K Controller with Windows® 7 embedded
Memory 2GB DDR3 standard - upgradable to 4 GB
Hard drive minimum 320 GB - unlimited upgrade
Supported file type DWF, PDF, PDF-A, HPGL 1/2, HP-RTL, Calcomp 906/907, CALS Group 4, TIFF Group 4, CIT/TG4, Grayscale TIFF, TIFF Packbits, PNG, JPEG
Scanner KIP 720
Scanner Type C.I.S. with KIP RTT Technology
Scan Resolution 600 x 600 dpi optical resolution
Scan Speed Up to 203 mm per second (B&W) and up to 66 mm per second (Color)
Scan Format TIFF, Multipage TIFF, PDF, PDF-A, Multipage PDF, DWF, Multipage DWF, JPEG, CALS
Scan Destination Local USB (Removable Media), Unlimited IPS Mailboxes (Local), Unlimited FTP, Unlimited SMB
Original Size Width  279 - 914 mm
Original Thickness Up to 1.6 mm thick
Interface USB 2.0
Dimensions 1,092 mm x 406 mm x 170 mm
Weight 25 Kg
Electrical 100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption <50 W
  • The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on operating systems, applications, network protocols as well as network and system configurations.
  • Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.
  • Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.
  • Konica Minolta does not warrant that all specifications mentioned will be error-free.
  • Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks, of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
  • All other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.

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KIP 7580 prospekt

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